Another side of Muddy Boot Acres on what we are doing, planning on doing, or have done

Grape Jelly Recipe

Wash grapes thoroughly. Cook slowly in large pot with enough water to keep from burning. Stir, lifting and moving for about 15 minutes, or until soft. Don't worry if they split or skins come off.

I have a sieve that I put over the mouth of a large, deep pot, and put about two cups in at a time and mash through. When you think you have gotten all you can from them, scrape the sieve and put the remains in another saucepan. Keep pressing grapes and putting leftover seed and pulp in another pan.

It doesn't matter how many grapes you have, but at least 5 cups of juice would be best. I had 8 cups of juice and it gave me 15 jelly jars.

Once you have everything you can from all the pulp, add a little water to the extra saucepan and steep a few minutes and repeat putting through the sieve. You don't want to water down your grapes to much.

When all the juice is definitely extracted, take your juice pan and put on the stove.

This is where I cheated. The old recipe doesn't call for pectin, but I used one package of it because in the past I always ended up with runny jellies.

So, put in one package of pectin and then begin heating to a good boil. Add an equal amount of sugar to your juice, pouring in quite quickly, stirring constantly until the jelly boils again.

Let it boil for about 5 minutes, turn off burner.

You should have had your jars ready to go.

To hot bath, I put as many will fit in the canner, fill them with water, and then fill in the pot with water. This way, as it is heating, your jars are also getting hot and ready to go.

Now that your jelly has set for a (very) few minutes, pour it in the hot jars. You should be able to see it thickening along the sides of the pan. Wipe the mouths of the jar and screw on the lid. I canned them for 5-7 minutes and pulled them out. All sealed but one, and I knew it probably wouldn't anyway. Besides, I would have had to open one for breakfast anyway!

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